About Me

Welcome To Wholeheartedly Healthy!

Making & Breaking the Rules

Hello! I’m Raksha, and I’m going to teach you how to live a healthy and a disease free life, lose weight & get flawless skin through better eating habits.

Get Healthy And Vibrant for Good

Increase your Mental and Physical health quotient!
In my personalized health consultation, I create a roadmap to your health, using a holistic view of your life. Along with the diet and food choices, I also consider factors such as exercise, work, relationship, sleep, stress, environment, medical and family history, and lifestyle when counselling and guiding you on how to create your health journey.
So lets begin our journey together!

About Me

My Introduction
I am a Nutritionist / Dietitian, a Naturopath, an aromatherapist and a Councellor by profession. I have a naturopathy centre in Gujarat, outskirts of Bhuj named as Navjivan Nature Cure Centre.. I have a work experience of more than 15 years. My client list exceeds more than 50,000 patients from all over the globe. I do private and family consultations from Juhu and Andheri, Mumbai and also do online consultations. I conduct 21 day online weight loss and disease reversal programs. I have treated people with diabetes, high cholesterol and heart issues, depression, fatty liver and other liver problems, hormonal issues, kidney disorders, and obesity issues. I feel proud when I am able to bring a difference in my patients health and get them off medicine completely ??
I firmly believe that the body has the capacity to heal itself. Once the root cause of a sickness has been identified, and natural immunity has increased, the body heals itself. This is my holistic approach to all sicknesses and diseases.
I also empower my patients with the necessary knowledge that they can later implement and independently take care of themselves.
I am associated with a couple of trusts and anganwadis and work towards enriching people with the right knowledge of the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle. I provide healthy meals to almost 700 kids. I strongly believe in giving back to the society and follow my passion of healing and educating people.
My Journey
Growing up in a family surrounded by members opting for alternative medicines to heal themselves , I always aspired to be someone from the medical field. I completed my Bachelors in Science B.Sc in Microbiology and Chemistry from the Jai hind college. After my graduation, I soon got married to a very caring and a loving man. Even then somewhere I felt I wasn’t complete, a part of me always wanted to reach out and explore and help. That was when I chose to do an international course in Aromatherapy. I became a Certified Aromatherapist. I also completed a year diploma course in Naturopathy soon after that from the Baroda University. Things took its natural course and I became pregnant. It was during the same time of my pregnancy that we built a naturopathy centre in the outskirts of Bhuj, Gujarat. I was thrilled to travel back and forth and see the entire place come up so beautifully. I delivered a lovely child and we named him Shaan. My son being a nature lover, we used to spend majority of our weekends at our naturopathy centre called Navjivan Nature Cure Centre.
In the meantime we discovered that my husband had put on a lot of weight and that he suffered from a genetic disorder. We went to a couple of good and famous dietitians for his weight loss but I soon realized that no one was giving a holistic approach to his diet considering his genetic disorder. That’s when I decided to join college again and study diet and nutrition. I completed my post graduation in dietetics from the SNDT Women’s University. I have worked in Nanavati Hospital and many Bal wadis, slums and NGOs helping them understand the importance of nutrition to correct their deficiencies.
I started treating my patients with a combination of Aromatherapy, Diet, Naturopathy and Ayurveda (with the help of Ayurveda doctors at my Naturopathy centre). We saw fast recovery amongst the patients undergoing a combination of alternative medicines. I consult patients of all age groups and help them become health gainers. I do family nutrition consultation and individual consultations. I have done a few international projects with companies like Novartis relating to diet and cater to international patients in Dubai, USA, Australia as well as patients in different parts of India. I practice in Juhu and Andheri and do online consultation.
My focus has always been therapeutic diet consultation rather than just on weight loss diets. Though obesity being a major disorder which could lead to other health issues, correction only through fast weight loss is not the key to solving it. Don’t start a diet that has an expiration date but focus on a lifestyle that will last forever. Health needs a holistic and long lasting approach. That’s where I play a role. I specialize in Smaller issues like Constipation, Acidity or some serious ones like Hormonal imbalance, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, low immunity, etc which can be corrected with a few changes in your dietary habits. As I believe “our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food”, my focus is mainly on giving the patient a therapeutic and corrective diet which will also lead to weight management eventually. I always motivate my patients to educate themselves and make the necessary changes with awareness. Awareness to bring a change and the effort to change will last longer if it comes from the patient himself. A beautiful quote by Zero Dean says ” If the results of your habits don’t make you a better, stronger or a healthier person , it’s time to consider new habits that do”.
I have recently studied Psychological COUNSELLING from St XAVIER’S college, Mumbai as I felt the need to master this art as majority of the disorders are PSYCHOSOMATIC as well. So that’s new on my list.
“To eat is a necessity but to eat intelligently is an art”.

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